How to care for cacti and succulents in winter?
By popular demand I am answering your call for help!
Do you have cacti and succulents that seem like they're going to die during the winter? Don't panic! With these tips, you can keep them alive until the warmer weather arrives.
First of all, it is important to remember that these plants come from the desert, where it never snows (I swear!). It is therefore logical that they are not very comfortable when temperatures drop. Thus, to protect them from the cold, it is advisable to shelter them from drafts and keep them away from north-facing windows.
Next, you should know that these plants do not need as much water as in summer. In fact, they tend to store water in their stems and leaves to feed themselves in winter. It is therefore preferable to water them very little, if at all . Otherwise, you risk drowning them (and drowning in winter is really dull!).
It is also important not to over-fertilize them in winter. Cacti and succulents need time to rest and prepare for the warm season. So it is best to leave them alone until spring and not try to fertilize them (Would you like me to force you to eat a beef with vegetables in the middle of your afternoon nap? Absolutely not! It is the same for cacti; winter = their afternoon nap.).
Finally, be aware that these plants need light to live. If you can't put them near a window, it is advisable to offer them a growth lamp (beautiful bulbs for plants are available at dollo). Be careful, however, not to expose them for too long, as they could burn Burn Baby Burn.
There you have it, you know everything about maintaining your cacti and succulents in winter. Follow these tips and you'll see, they'll be even more beautiful when spring comes! I hope so ! Otherwise I'll always have some for sale at the shop ...
Good luck and see you soon for more gardening tips with Madame Alice